DATUM STUDIO’s Commitment to the Responsible Use of AI

AI has the potential to dramatically change our lives. At the same time, the development and use of AI involves ethical considerations and social responsibility.
DATUM STUDIO Co., Ltd. (“DATUM STUDIO”) and its subsidiary Chura DATA Inc. (“Chura DATA”) aim to contribute to society in the development and use of AI, based on the “AI Guidelines for Business” issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in 2024. We will also work to ensure human-centered AI, safety, fairness, privacy protection, security, transparency and accountability. (https://www.meti.go.jp/shingikai/mono_info_service/ai_shakai_jisso/pdf/20240419_9.pdf)
We are fully aware of the risks associated with AI as well as the possibilities it offers, and have established the following ethical guidelines as the basic policy for DATUM STUDIO and Chura DATA. We will propose, develop and manage our products based on these guidelines.

1. Human-centered decision-making

We shall not develop AI as a threat to human dignity, but rather with the goal of expanding human capabilities and pursuing broadly-based happiness for a diverse range of people.
We shall not develop or provide AI systems that aim to unfairly manipulate human decision-making, cognition or emotions.

2. Safety

We shall carefully avoid causing harm to the lives, bodies, property, mental health or environment of our client companies and the end users who are our clients’ customers through the development and provision of AI systems.
Taking into account the characteristics and uses of AI ​​systems, we shall consider the accuracy of the data used for training and other purposes, and shall appropriately support data transparency, comply with laws and regulations and update AI models as necessary, within a reasonable scope.

3. Impartiality

We shall design AI to produce impartial outcomes for people of all backgrounds, including race, gender, nationality, age, political beliefs and religion.
To ensure that the output of AI is impartial, we shall not rely solely on AI to make decisions, but shall consider incorporating human judgment at appropriate junctures and take into consideration unconscious bias and potential prejudices.

4. Privacy protection

Protecting personal and confidential information is also extremely important in AI development.
DATUM STUDIO has obtained the Privacy Mark and appropriately deploys and manages the use of technologies such as data anonymization, encryption and access control to prevent unauthorized access and information leaks.

5. Ensuring security

In addition to the above objective of protecting privacy, we are committed to ensuring security to prevent unintended changes or shutdowns of AI systems due to external interference.
In order to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of AI systems and ensure their safe and uninterrupted use, we shall take reasonable measures in light of the current state of technology to prepare for attacks that are constantly evolving.

6. Transparency

Making the AI decision-making process easier to understand is essential to increasing trust in AI.
While ensuring the verifiability of AI systems and to the extent necessary and technically possible, we shall provide client companies with reasonable and appropriate information regarding issues concerning the development process, details of the data handled and analytical methods, AI capabilities and limitations, and precautions.

7. Accountability

We shall fulfill our responsibility with regard to traceability to ensure that the origin of data during the development of AI systems and decisions made during development can be traced, within a technically feasible and reasonable extent.
Furthermore, all employees shall make every effort to adhere to the above basic policy in order to realize the responsible development and delivery of AI.


Sohei Takechi
President and Representative Director

Ai Makabi
Executive Vice President, Chief Administrative Officer,
and General Manager of the Data Analytics Division