Basic Policy on Elimination of Antisocial Forces

DATUM STUDIO Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “the Company”) has established the following Basic Policy on the Elimination of Antisocial Forces to ensure social order and sound business practices as well as the safety of our customers, officers, and employees, and will implement comprehensive measures in accordance with this policy


Ⅰ.I. Response to Antisocial Forces

1. Organizational Response

The Company recognizes the significance of its social responsibility to eliminate antisocial forces. As such, the entire organization, from the president down, will respond to undue demands from antisocial forces.

2.Cooperation with External Specialized Organizations

In preparation for undue demands from antisocial forces, we will build partnerships with external organizations such as the police, the Center for Removal of Criminal Organizations, and lawyers.

3.Blocking of All Relationships, Including Transactions

We will not maintain any kind of relationship – including business relationships – with antisocial forces. Furthermore, we resolutely reject any undue demands from antisocial forces, including subscriptions to journals.

4.Civil and Criminal Legal Responses to Undue Demands

We will avail ourselves of all legal countermeasures, both civil and criminal, to deal with undue demands from antisocial forces.

5.Prohibition of Improper Transactions and Financing

We will never engage in inappropriate backroom dealings with or provide funds to antisocial forces to conceal facts, even in the event that the undue demands from antisocial forces are based on incidents of misconduct in our business activities or on the part of our officers and employees.

Ⅱ.Establishment of Internal Systems for the Elimination of Antisocial Forces

1.Establishment of a General Response Department

The Business Administration Department, as the department responsible for handling undue demands, will deal with each case in consultation with the relevant departments.

2.Cooperation with External Professional Organizations

We will respond in cooperation with external specialized organizations, such as competent police stations, the Center for Removal of Criminal Organizations, and lawyers.

3.Development of a Response Manual

The Company has established the Implementation Procedures for the Elimination of Antisocial Forces and distributes it to the department in charge of the response as well as to related departments.

4.Conducting of Training Activities

The Company will conduct in-house training to ensure that all officers and employees are fully aware of the importance of this policy.