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Mid-career recruitment Data Scientist/ Engineer
Mid-career recruitment
New Graduate Recruitment
Data Scientist

Data Scientist / Engineer
Career and culture
By developing your strengths in various aspects such as data science, data engineering, and data business, we hope to cultivate skills and career paths that enable our employees to create extraordinary value in the digital transformation era.

Working style/working environment/
Benefits and Employee Support
As a KDDI / Supership group company, we are constantly updating our benefits and employee support to create a comfortable working environment.
Team comprising over 100 data scientists Proven track record across industries and sectors
DATUM STUDIO has a team of more than 100 data scientists and a proven track record of using AI in the resolution of management issues for companies in a broad range of industries and sectors. To help you achieve your business goals, we can flexibly respond to needs from problem identification to planning for optimal data utilization, proof of concept (PoC), infrastructure building, AI model construction, continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery (CD), and continuous training (CT).